I’m not sure if it’s good “business” to share about my personal life on my website, but some things are important enough to risk sharing, and I want you to know who I am. I recently made the leap to full time photographer & such a huge part of me was really frightened by the fact that I have nothing booked this month. Nothing. Not one session. That’s a scary number when photography helps to pay my bills. My father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer in June . . . and now he is dying. I am able to spend my days by his side, holding his hand & thanking God for this opportunity to serve. He can be my priority. God knew I needed this time off. God knew. His grace is sufficient for me . . . and once again He has reminded me that HE is my provider, and His plan is perfect and sovereign. Dad, you are loved . . . and you will be missed.
Carol it is good to share, it shows that there’s a person behind the company. I’m sorry you and your family are faced with such sorrow. I know your faith and your family will carry you though the hard times. I’m always here if you need me. Love you.
Life does take interesting turns sometimes…What a great picture of him! Thinking you took it?