Hopefully, by now, you’re beginning to understand my love for natural lighting & lifestyle photography . . . if not, I know this session with a two year old who happens to NOT love having her picture taken will sway you!
We’ve incorporated ballet into all of Olivia’s sessions since she was a newborn. Now that she’s two, we decided to add a new level of cuteness . . . I have a really FUN new prop I’ve been wanting to use, so I asked Mom to gather together some “dress up” items and the stage was set . . .
Olivia had her picture taken with this bear every month of her first year. I was able to find a matching tutu & headband for her to wear . . .
add that to my vintage wicker mirror . . .
What little girl wouldn’t love to sit in front of a mirror & play with Mommy’s make-up? Okay, so this is staged lifestyle . . . it’s true! We set the stage & let her be her . . .
Ummmm, I hate to tell you this, Miss Bear, but I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to wear pearls . . .
She even got to wear Mommy’s wedding tiara!
Then it was time for a little dancing . . .
While she was busy dancing & having fun, I set up the next “stage”. She loves to read . . . looooooooooves to read!! What better way to capture her personality than to let her read to all her stuffed friends?
Okay, so this isn’t Olivia, but it’s certainly one of her best friends . . . Sadie kept a very close eye on all the happenings
After we got bored inside, going for a walk was the perfect opportunity for more cuteness. Yes, we took a pinwheel, Bunny & Chick . . .
Rock climbing with Daddy . . . heart puddles right here
Back inside for a few more smiles . . .
Different outfits, different settings; the same sweet, happy face. This is how you capture the essence of your child. This is an hour that will last a lifetime. Today. Everlasting.
The ones in the mirror are EPIC, but I love them ALL!!!!
I just had to drool over these again . . . I love them SOOO much! Perfection! <3